Erosion Control and Shoreline Restoration

Planting and seeding native forbs and trees

Biologs/Wattle/Branch Bundle Installation

Cedar, rip rap, and root wad revetments

Erosion inventory and assessment

Goal: Restoration

The effects of erosion can impact stream, river, and lake shorelines when natural protection is removed. Creating a buffer zone can help stabilize the shoreline and decrease the impacts of erosion while also providing other benefits. These benefits can include increased fish and wildlife habitat, increased water infiltration and storage, reduced lawn maintenance, and natural aesthetic creation. Certain shoreline restoration and erosion control techniques can also filter nutrients, pollutants, and sediments, which can improve water quality.

Helping You

Our staff has experience using several erosion control techniques like biolog, wattle, branch bundle installation, cedar, rip rap, and root wad revetments. These techniques can be coupled with native species planting and seeding to increase the benefits of the buffer zone. Each shoreline restoration project is unique and Rock Leaf can determine the best methods to stabilize the shoreline and decrease erosion while implementing these plans efficiently and effectively.

More Info

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