Ecological Restoration

Site Assessments

Tree and brush felling and removal

Invasive Species Management

Physical and/or chemical removal

Native Planting and Seeding

Limit Invasive species spread

Goal: Healthy Habitats

Ecological restoration projects have many added benefits for the client and the land. Many natural resource projects increase biodiversity for both plants and animals. This increased diversity has excellent health benefits for people, animals, and plants alike. For example, increased biodiversity can result in more pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Green spaces have been scientifically proven to reduce stress and increase the aesthetics of the land. Rain gardens can help filter and clean water before entering the water table. Native plants also typically have more complex root systems, which helps provide erosion control. Many ecological projects will also increase the monetary value of the ecosystem services provided by the land. At Rock Leaf, we are experienced and enthusiastic about helping you accomplish your ecological goals.

Helping You

Each ecological restoration project requires thorough preparation, careful management, diligent maintenance, and technical expertise. Our trained technicians and specialists start each proposal by listening to the client and determining the best course of action for ecological restoration and maintenance. We can assess the site and create a plan to restore or enhance the client’s project area. We can also survey the plants on site and provide a list of native and invasive species. We recognize that each project is unique and have the experience and expertise to draft a plan that will suit the client’s needs, consider land use objectives, and meet ecological goals

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